Pentecostal-Charismatic Churches of North America

Pentecostal-Charismatic Churches of North America

2020 Bell Ave
Des Moines, IA
United States

Attesting Officer
Rev. Jeff Farmer

Media Contact
Dr. Jeff Farmer

41.5622639, -93.6443022

The Pentecostal-Charismatic Churches of North America (PCCNA) was organized October 19, 1994, in Memphis TN. This organizational meeting came the day after the Pentecostal Fellowship of North America (PFNA) voted itself out of existence in order to make way for the new fellowship.
The PFNA had been formed in October 1948 in Des Moines, IA. It was composed of white-led Pentecostal denominations. The move to develop a multiracial fellowship began when the PFNA Board of Administration initiated a series of discussions with African-American Pentecostal leaders. The first meeting was held July 10-11, 1992, in Dallas, TX. A second meeting convened in Phoenix, AZ, January 4-5, 1993. On January 10-11, 1994, 20 representatives from each of the two groups met in Memphis to make final plans for a Dialogue which was held in Memphis, October 1994.
This racial reconciliation meeting has been called "The Memphis Miracle." During this meeting the PFNA was disbanded, and the PCCNA was organized. The new organization quickly adopted the "Racial Reconciliation Manifesto."
In an effort to further increase the spirit of reconciliation, the PCCNA meeting of 2000 was held during the North American Renewal Service committee (NARSC) Conference in St. Louis, Missouri. Furthermore, the PCCNA acted as host for the 19th Pentecostal World Conference held in Los Angeles, California, May 2001. PCCNA welcomes denominations, associations of churches, parachurch ministries, and local churches into membership. Its strategic vision includes "demonstrating unity in the power of the Spirit."

Full Communicants Average Attendance Other Members Total Inclusive Members Total Churches Membership Calculation Method
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Serving Churches Retired Other Service to the Church Total Clergy
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Total Schools Staff Pupils Total Individuals
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Total Benevolences Total Financials Total Giving Local Expenses Method
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